Jacob Z. Hess, Ph.D. "I have had beatings to the point of unconsciousness – with arms broken and taken out of the socket and that compares nothing…doesn’t even begin to be the pain that became every day, just right here [pointing to her chest] – this thing that wouldn’t come off – that made it hard to breathe…like, I would rather have people beating the crap out of me than to have been where I was just inside. It hurt that bad…there were times I thought it would kill me – all on its own.”
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Why I Believe the NAMI Approach Is Ultimately…
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Jacob Z. Hess, Ph.D. "I have had beatings to the point of unconsciousness – with arms broken and taken out of the socket and that compares nothing…doesn’t even begin to be the pain that became every day, just right here [pointing to her chest] – this thing that wouldn’t come off – that made it hard to breathe…like, I would rather have people beating the crap out of me than to have been where I was just inside. It hurt that bad…there were times I thought it would kill me – all on its own.”